Author Archives: Paul

About Paul

CERT Coordinator, Ham Radio Operator, GTD Fan; Photographer; Domino/Notes Administrator

System checks (Linux) and resource ref

For learning MySQL, and specifically Maria, I’m referring to O’Reilly’s “Learning MySQL and MariaDB” by Russell J.T. Dyer. This reference appears to have some core folk who were at the beginnings of both developments. With new systems, it’s always fun … Continue reading

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Confirming version of MariaDB Database

Now that I have access to MariaDB (Hosted by IONOS), I want to confirm which version is running. After logging in -After logging in, it answers this with: Server version: 10.5.12-MariaDB-1:10.5.12+maria~buster-log binary distribution -Of course, that means I have … Continue reading

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Accessing MariaDB from my Mac Endpoint

Desired Outcome: Access MariaDB Database (hosted on IONOS), via SSH, using Command Line, from my Mac Endpoint. In the past I had written a post about this, which is good as it reminded me of some details regarding saving profiles. … Continue reading

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