Update Manager in VMware 6.7 ESXi

-The VMware Update Manager (VUM) is only available when you have the licensed package including vCenter.
-Because I’ve been accessing my free EXSi Hypervisor host from a web-browser, I thought I had been using a “web client”, AKA vSphere Web Client.
-What I’ve been accessing the host with is the “Host Client” (via web-browser).
-The Host Client is still valid to use in cases where you can’t access vCenter — which is not currently my case.
-So… bottom-line is that I could do things like applying patches via the CLI (Command Line Interface) using the Host Client, or I can make life a bit easier and purchase VMware licensing that would include vCenter, and then get access to better interfaces (eg VUM).
-vCenter is primarily used for accessing multiple hosts as a primary entry point to all your systems. In my case, I’ll probably only have one host, but there is the option to expand.
-This post is now completed, even though I need to resolve the appropriate licensing package for my project.

System specs:

-I have a new installation of vSphere ESXi 6.7 on Dell Hardware (PowerEdge R630) – Intel Xeon CPU E5-2630
-Not using vCenter
-Everything through web client
-Haven’t created any VM’s yet
-Using default root account (Administrator)

System message:

Note: I figured it was good to resolve this before going further with building VM’s . I’ve figured out where to get the patches, but now need to install them.

Issue with seeing Update Manager within web-client
The Update Manager is not showing within any tab
I’ve read the documentation and see something about needing privileges, but I’m having challenges finding exactly where to make a permissions change

About Paul

CERT Coordinator, Ham Radio Operator, GTD Fan; Photographer; Domino/Notes Administrator
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