Desired Outcome
Over the years, I’ve dabbled with Learning C programming, and have various books. Just for fun, and practice reading manuals, I installed NetBeans 8.2 on my Mac. Following is the path I took.
MAC OS version El Capitan (version 10.11.6) – I know… it’s old, but works
NetBeans 8.2 IDE
Good place to start is the NetBeans IDE 8.2 Release Notes
NetBeans IDE 8.2 Release Notes
-Java was used to create an IDE for programming language environment
-All the editing, compiling, debugging, etc. happens within the IDE
-Computer OS (Mac OS X 10.7) at minimum
-Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 8 at minimum for PHP and C/C++ NetBeans Bundles
-Note: This means I don’t need the Java JDK (Java Development Kit)
Here’s the page for the Java JRE software to download. In my case, I chose within Java SE Runtime Environment 8u192, clicked on JRE, and chose jre-8u192-macosx-x64.dmg
JRE 8 192
Here’s the page for the NetBeans 8.2 IDE software to download.
Note: In my case, I clicked in the C/C++ Column, as that’s all I’m interested in for now.
NetBeans IDE 8.2 Download
Here’s the installation instructions for 11 JRE 8 for OS X
11 JRE 8 Installation for OS X
Here’s the installation instructions and other things for NetBeans 8.2
NetBeans IDE 8.2 Information
Configuration of NetBeans 8.2 for programming in C
When clicking on File, New Project I then choose the Category C/C++ and then Projects C/C++ Application
First Program (hello_world.c)
This is my first program, which worked!
Note: I have to figure out why in WordPress it’s not writing the stdlib’s correctly. They are
* File: hello.c
* Author: PaulGarth
* Created on December 26, 2018, 8:46 AM
int main() {
printf(“Hello World”);
return (EXIT_SUCCESS);