Categories and Tags in new website for productivity

I created just to have a specific website for reviewing various productivity systems, approaches, apps, strategy, etc. This is not about actual Projects and Action Management, but the best practices for creating an external trusted system.

What’s on my mind is how to create Categories and Tags that mean something useful.

XREF to –

Categories – Broad groupings of topics

Tags – Associative and related content to the category; much more specific topics

I’d like to look at this from perspective of David Allen’s Control and Perspective. Maybe it makes sense to have Categories within Control and Tags within Perspective.

Another idea is to look at Categories and Tags from an end-to-end flow approach. As posts are created, there are various phases within the lifecycle – planning; in-process; pending; someday/maybe.

What’s more important is coming up with a Category/Tag system that serves the purpose of the website. The basic idea is to introduce and integrate various terminology and strategy from David Allen (GTD), Tiago (SecondBrain), Apps (PocketInformant, Evernote, Notion, WordPress, etc). I’d like this website to be usable for both myself and someone new to productivity.

What am I focusing on? What is meaning of it? Use DA’s workflow map.

This is another topic, but a focus on checklists, so I’m approaching each post with an identical end-to-end flow.

About Paul

CERT Coordinator, Ham Radio Operator, GTD Fan; Photographer; Domino/Notes Administrator
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