Desired Outcome
-Create an end-to-end detailed flow of processes and configurations for Domino Migration
-This is the copy-style method, where the same Domino OS version is migrated to new hardware
ActiveGrid Configuration (OS, Drives, Drive Space, RAM, IP Address)
-ActiveGrid currently certified to Microsoft Server 2012 R2
-Disk capacity total I requested = 800GB
-Drive C = 150GB (Windows OS)
-Drive D = 350GB (Domino Apps, Installers, manual Backups)
-Drive D = 300GB (Domino Data)
Web-Browser application for connecting to ActiveGrid
-Use Safari on the Mac to make the connection
-Note: I was getting “Server Disconnected Code: 1015; Connect Timout” with Firefox
Firewall configuration on ActiveGrid
-Note: Possible to add my @Home IP address within ActiveGrid Firewall – for SSH’ing
-The well-known port for Domino is 1352
–Note: Added for ANY to 1352
–Note: Added for ANY to 80
–Note: Added for ANY to 443
-All ports to/from ActiveGrid will be direct (with no flip-flopping)
Firewall configuration on Windows Server
-XXX –
LogMeIn Agent Installation
-Installed Agent – manually typed the URL for installer
-Connected from home via Firefox – fast!
LogMeIn for copying data from baremetal server to ActiveGrid
-Logged in from ActiveGrid to baremetal servers (from the LogMeIn Control Panel)
-Note: This is the preferred method – using the local LogMeIn Control Panel on ActiveGrid
-Note: Change time out on both baremetal and ActiveGrid Servers
–LogMein Control Panel; Options; Preferences; Advanced; Network, Idle Time Allowed
–Change to 0:03:00:00 – 3 hours (Note: Default was 1 hour)
-For making the connection between the two servers (for file copying)
–LogMein Control Panel; Connect to: (log-in to other server)
–See both servers within the File Directory
–Note: Appeared faster when initiating everything from ActiveGrid server
Windows Updates and Restart
-Routine Windows Update process and server restart
Copying over Installers
-Java JVM (Just in case)
-McAfee Mail Security (will come back to actual installation/configuration later)
HOSTS file changes because ActiveGrid not using NAT
Current IP configuration of baremetal (LAX) is:
–DNS: and
–Note: For the system with IBM Traveler, I can request a second NIC for the “DMZ”
Copying over data for IBM Domino with baremetal server down
-Note: Approximately 1GB/minute file transfer (via LogMeIn)
-set config server_restricted=4 (within console)
-drop all (repeat until sh users shows no active users)
-tell router show q (check the router queue); repeat until no mail pending
-tell router quit
-tell adminp process new
-sh tasks (and check that adminp is idle)
-Quit Domino Server
-Change Domino Server Services to change from Automatic to Manual
-Copy over D: (baremetal) to D: (ActiveGrid) using LogMeIn
–Note: Only took about 4 minutes
-Copy over E: (baremetal) to D: (ActiveGrid) using LogMeIn
–Note: Took about 3 hours
Info on how I ensured Test Server didn’t talk outside
-Remove replicator task from servertasks= within notes.ini
-Remove router task from servertasks= within notes.ini
-Block port 1352 outbound within Windows Server Firewall
-Create alias in etc/hosts file and point it to test server IP
Changing FQDN pointer to new IP Address
-Ensure the new IP address correct for server I’m migrating
-Ensure I’m using the default port this time (no flip-flopping now)
Review notes.ini within D:\Lotus\Domino
-For now, remove McAfeeAddinMgrX64 (McAfee Endpoint Security for Domino)
-Left all the ServerTasksAtX – as is
-Left all SAVMailXX – as is (I think this maybe from the old Symantec)
-Left ExistingServerName=DA-OJAI/DAC (This is odd, but leaving as is)
–Note: Changed this to the new static IP address
-Domain=ICA (This is odd, but from the past I remember having to leave as is for now)
-Sametime Stuff (Left as is for now)
-SAVJava=c:\Program Files\java\jre7\bin (Legacy, but left as is for now)
Run installer for Domino including Fixpack and Interim Fixpack
-Setup (During test, saw it saying, “Prepare Java JVM for Virtual Machine”
-Left “Install Partitioned Domino Server” checkbox blank
-Domino Enterprise Server (pre-selected)
-Note: Installation took about 4 minutes
Fixpack 6 for Domino 8.5.3
-Ran the installer
-Confirmed directories
-Note: Takes about 4 to 5 minutes
Domino IF 15 for 8.5.3. FP 6
-Ran the installer
-Now going to 8.5.3.FP6 HF2880
-Note: About 1 to 2 minutes
Notes.INI review – one more time
Quick system checks before first run
Console check with Server down?
First run of Domino Server on ActiveGrid
Console Check on Active Server
Trace Checks from Notes client to server on ActiveGrid