XCTC – Day Ten (Sat) – navigation; sun; food; soldiers

Was given an MGRS code and was able to plug-in to my Tactical Nav app, plot a course, and then get us there precisely. This was also off-the-grid — I was in airplane mode, to save battery.

I’m not used to being outdoors in the sun all day. Sucking down some serious amount of water. Need to add in an electrolyte replenishment drink. Also, putting on SPF30 sunscreen at home in the morning, when I can pay attention – by looking in the mirror – was a game-changer (positively).

Standard pack lunch. Additional food was from one of the NG units. Scrambled egg, 2 sausages, not sure what it was but it included potatoes, cornbread (I think) square. It all tasted fine, but I knew there was a good dose of sodium in it. One of the soldiers gave me a ton of detail on soldier nutrition, sodium, etc.

Engaging with them to resolve any issues; change batteries; chat with some of them — IT professionals, etc.

All-in-All, it was a good day.

About Paul

CERT Coordinator, Ham Radio Operator, GTD Fan; Photographer; Domino/Notes Administrator
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