Goal: Create a CentOS test server at home, so I can go through the lynda.com course on Linux
-I have an old Windows XP 32-bit laptop
-Managed to get it online
-Google Chrome is the only browser that allows https downloads without drama
-Downloaded VirtualBox 5.2.42 – old build. Got a bunch of messages about not certified with Windows Logo. Overrode and did the install anyway
-Distrowatch – to find an appropriate linux distro for my setup
-I need to find a stable version that will work on a 32-bit VirtualBox VM
-Each VM is about 8GB
-RHEL7 is associated with CentOS
-We want CentOS version 7
-Lynda used VirtualBox 5.1.4.
-Lynda said to not immediately run VirtualBox, but to first install an Extension Pack….
-Quit out of my app; downloaded the Extension Pack; verified in VirtualBox preferences; OK
-Note: Only difference is that I have a newer version of VirtualBox
-To find a distro of CentOS — https://wiki.centos.org/Download; AltArch Releases
-VM Setup – 1.5GB RAM; 8GB of Diskspace
-Name of Server – CentOS 7
-1.5GB RAM (Note: On this machine I had to reduce it below 1GB
-Create Virtual hard disk; VDI
-Allocate space – dynamically; 8GB; default
-Settings; System; Enable I/O APIC — will run faster
-Processor – choose more CPUs
-Enable PAEAN
-Followed this to resolve the .ISO – https://wiki.centos.org/HowTos/Virtualization/VirtualBox/CentOSguest
-Note: I used this to find the 32-bit ISO for CentOS 7 – http://isoredirect.centos.org/altarch/7/isos/i386/
-NOTE: This bombed – I don’t have enough RAM. Oh well…. I’ll install on VirtualBox on my Mac which has more RAM