Adding a BlogRoll to WordPress site

I wanted to add a BlogRoll to my site.

Lessons Learned:
From WordPress version 3.5 on, it’s possible that the plugin for Link is not there and needs to be manually installed. See below for installation procedure.

Wasn’t coming to me as quickly as I would have though.

Goal is to add a place I can reference viewers to for various other sites.

Sites within the County, etc.

I need to find the Links Widget

Dashboard, Appearance, Widgets…

I’m not seeing anything obvious to blogroll here.

I’m now on a wild goose chase here…

This is odd. On my site I see Dashboard, Links. On my site, I don’t see the Links section.

This makes sense now. Looks like WordPress after version 3.5 removed the Links Manager (what I use to create blogrolls). If you had Link Manager with blogrolls prior to 3.5, and did an upgrade, it preserved the plugin. If you didn’t do blogroll, then it’s feasible it’s not built-in, unless you download the plugin.

Looks like the plug-in is called Link Manager – link-manager. Within, Dashboard, plugins, I searched for link-manager

When I did a search for link manager or link-manager, I’m not finding easily the version from WordPress. From this site — you can download the plug-in, and then from within WordPress do the upload/install.

-Downloaded the plug-in
-Within, dashboard, plugins, add plugin
-Search for the .zip file I had downloaded, install, activate, done

About Paul

CERT Coordinator, Ham Radio Operator, GTD Fan; Photographer; Domino/Notes Administrator
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