Installation went very smoothly. A couple things here and there (creating/editing php.ini) were not done, but it appears I’m functioning. This will only be for a handful of test records, and will not be an actual live/real system. Looking forward to going through the manual.
Procedure for installing openEMR
Desired Outcome: Install openEMR on my website, so I can have a good sense of EHR/EMR systems, including making changes to interface (eg forms)
Download the software to local HDD folder
Note: In my case, I chose Linux
Extracted the Tarball – double-clicking the file to expand
Created a subdomain on my web-site
Create a folder (webspace)
Linked the webspace to the subdomain
Uploaded the expanded software to the folder on website – using FileZilla
Note: Took forever — nearly 400MB upload
Ran the setup for installation – see what happens
Note: Was as simple as just going to the new website
Note: Looks like the auto-check for folder security passed
Note: I selected that I already had created a database
Note: Changed Serverhost from the default of “localhost” to what IONOS wants
Note: Changed Database Name from default of “openemr” to what IONOS wants
Note: Changed Login name from default of “openemr” to the Username as defined by IONOS
Note: Entered password that I had created before
Note: Skipped two factor auth for now
Install results so far, so good:
Connecting to MySQL Server… OK.
Creating Main tables… OK
Creating Language Translation (utf8) tables… OK
Creating CVX Immunization Codes tables… OK
Writing SQL configuration… OK.
Setting version indicators… OK
Writing global configuration defaults… OK
Adding Initial User… OK
Installing and Configuring Access Controls (php-GACL)…
Note: Came back all OK
PHP Configuration recommendations
We recommend making the following changes to your PHP installation, which can normally be done by editing the php.ini configuration file:
Your php.ini file can be found at /etc/php7.4/php.ini
To ensure proper functioning of OpenEMR you must make sure that PHP settings include:
Setting Required value Current value
short_open_tag Off On
display_errors Off Off
register_globals Off Off
max_input_vars at least 3000 5000
max_execution_time at least 60 0
max_input_time -1 -1
post_max_size at least 30M 64M
memory_limit at least 256M -1
mysqli.allow_local_infile On Off
In order to take full advantage of the patient documents capability you must make sure that settings in php.ini file include “file_uploads = On”, that “upload_max_filesize” is appropriate for your use and that “upload_tmp_dir” is set to a correct value that will work on your system.
Configuring Apache WebServer
Note: Because of confidential patient files, there is a bunch of lines that I have to somehow enter at bottom of my Apache configuration file — wherever that is