Resolved – Uploading media (jpeg files) – error

My goal was to upload a JPEG file to make it the image on my homepage.
Received this error when attempting that: Unable to create directory uploads/2020/08. Is its parent directory writable by the server?

-For my domain name, confirmed the webspace folder name
-Within the webspace folder, under /wp-content/uploads I’m seeing various folders (with the year). In this years folder it’s only going up to June, and this is a August.
-Each folder has security of 705
-Within Settings, Media, Uploading Files, Store uploads in the folder: /homepages/31/d247466593/htdocs/paulgarth/wp-content/uploads
-Note: Maybe this is not entered correctly. Will cross-ref against another website.
-Checked against another website I have where I had successfully uploaded a JPEG file. Within the media settings it has: Organize my uploads into month- and year-based folders (check mark next to it)
Note: Website that was working is WordPress 5.5, and the website I’m having issues with is WordPress 5.4.2
-Upgraded site I’m working on to 5.5 – no difference
-Folder was: /homepages/31/d247466593/htdocs/paulgarth/wp-content/uploads
-Changed to: wp-content/uploads
-Note: Got this message: Document upload directory changed, but existing uploads may need to be moved to the new folder to ensure they remain accessible.
-Note: That worked!!
-Made the JPEG file my Home Page header; cropped; done
-Troubleshooting marked completed and now resolved

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Project refocus and reset in 2022 – Career (Social Work); Hypnotherapy, General Aviation, GTD

Updated: 20211227

This is the GoTo post for current updates of career and various projects in 2022:

CoronaVirus (COVID-19)
COVID is still with us and now as Omicron Variant. Got the Moderna booster in November, 2021.

Career/Income Status
-Waiting results on background check with a tentative-offer – more details to come.
-Working through Law and Ethics for ASW
-Got the ASW Certificate and banked hours while at PSHHC.

Vocational/Avocational Self Improvement (Hypnotherapy)
Web-Site –
As a Certified Hypnotherapist (with additional training in Therapeutic Imagery, and HeartMath HRV equipment) I offer vocational/avocational self-improvement for clients via internet (Skype/Zoom). Areas of Focus: taking exams; fear of flying/dentist/public speaking; general overwhelm; chronic discomfort. Medical referrals requested for any medical etiology – I am not state-licensed to diagnose, treat or cure. Note: I identify more as a coach vs. therapist. Refer to my FAQ section for more details.

While I still have a hypnotherapy interest in supporting people experiencing stress/anxiety/burnout, an interesting development has my attention. Within the aviation industry, there is heightened awareness of the following intersection – Gender (female); Pilots (Learning to fly as a profession); People of Color. Addressing DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion), United Airlines CEO Scott Kirby has a vision by 2030 of a United Airlines pilot workforce which includes 50% women/people of color. I have the training and academic degrees to tackle this challenge, with my proven approach of integrating People, Systems, Technology and Life. I’m not exactly sure how I can establish this intersection, so I’ll just introduce myself to everyone.

General Aviation
Web-site –
Objective is to earn enough money between primary income (Social Work related) and secondary income (hypnotherapy services) to afford flight training and equipment towards: BFR, EMT, IFR. The common joke in answering how a plane flies is, “With money”.

Initial goal is to get back into the ground school review, needed for BFR. I have all the content for that, and have an iMac that I could use with X-Plane to simulate.

Productivity Integration – SecondBrain with GTD
-20211227 – Re-reading Making it All Work by David Allen
-I’m using a legacy WordPress site to demonstrate my current implementation of GTD (Getting Things Done) and how Tiago Forte’s SecondBrain can be integrated. This site also includes various apps I’m using, including updates/changes that may affect my future implementation. In reality, this site has morphed more into my blogging about various findings/realizations that I think are an aide towards productivity. As of 20210904 I haven’t dug deep into anything specific (eg Tiago’s work).

Renegotiated Projects
-The PodCast isn’t giving a return of investment worth the effort, so holding off on that for now. here.

Posted in Blog Development, General Aviation | Leave a comment

Forums, BuddyPress removed (for now)

I just removed Forums and BuddyPress from the menu.

Never really used this, and didn’t appear that people were coming to blog to engage with it.

I still have the system active, so it might come back later.

Right now, I’m just going to focus on content – pages and blogs.

Posted in Blog Development, Blog Learnings, Management | Leave a comment